Mohammad Al-Labadi

Mohammad Al-Labadi

Mohammad Al-Labadi
Undergraduate Resident Fellow

Hi everyone! My name is Mohammad Labadi and I am a third year computer science major and an international student from Madaba, Jordan. Outside of school, I enjoy doing a variety of stuff. I do Arabic calligraphy and I also play two instruments; Oud and Tabla for fun but also as part of the Arab Music Ensemble here at Cornell. I am also a sports person. I grew up playing and watching soccer in my neighborhood. I also played volleyball and ping pong at high school. I went to a boarding high school, so I lived in dorms for four years before I came to Cornell. One thing that always made my experience more valuable and memorable is when everyone living together knew everyone else and genuinely connected with them. As a URF at Cook, I want to help people connect with one another with such a diverse community. You will always find my door open for a quick catch up, a chat about anything, to share an event idea you are interested in at Cook House or to watch soccer games or take a snack or candy!